New research

I’m attaching a two-page report about new research into the effects of red lights (photobiomodulation) and on gait in Parkinson’s Disease.

The Spanish researchers separated the participants into two groups, one group having real 670nm red light exposure and the other having sham light exposure. The participants didn’t know whether they were getting the red light or the sham treatment.

All participants were assessed for different movement activities before and after the study period.

The participants given the sham treatment were no different at the end of the study time. The participants given the real photobiomodulation all improved in their walking and movement.

The researchers commented, “Our findings are in agreement with those of a previous study which that reported gait improvements in PD patients after trans-cranial photobiomodulation, as well as with other clinical studies that suggest that photobiomodulation could be a potential strategy against neurodegenerative diseases.”

Download the article.

Journal Article:
Santos L et al.,Photobiomodulation in Parkinson’s Disease: A randonized control trial, Brain Stimulation.

Author: RedlightsontheBrain

Redlightsonthebrain is written by Catherine Hamilton, a retired doctor on behalf of Light Ahead Inc, a Tasmanian-based not-for-profit organisation. Light Ahead Inc aims to help people to learn about neurogenerative diseases and the practical, safe and scientifically-based things that may be able to help. Part of this is to provide low-cost access to red light devices, hence the DIY instructions on this blog. All sales of the Coronet red light device support the work of Light Ahead Inc.

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